Sunday, June 13, 2010

57, Muppet Pipes, How I'm not funny.

So we're on day 57 till August 9th. 54 days till I arrive in good ole' Orlando!

We're hitting the home stretch. Less than 2 months to go! We can do it guys! I know it's tough seeing all the fall advantage kids arriving, last day of FA arrival is tomorrow I believe. Most of my D-Fam is in Orlando as we speak! Luckyyyy.

Anyway, still in school for another month and working and doing my internship. These posts seem to be exactly the same most of the time lmfao. Ah well. Sorry I'm extremely uninteresting right now. (Frankly, I should be doing homework, but I'm watching Last Comic Standing, wishing I was funny enough to be a stand up comedian. A-ha.)

Uhh. In Disney-ish news, at my job(the NBC store) we added a new part to the NBC Studio Tour (In which I sell tickets to). It's called the Muppet Closet!

Basically, it's a pipe closet that Jim Henson and his crew painted and decorated every time he was on The Tonight Show with Jack Paar. It was never taken out, but was planned on being. It used to be part of Max Weinburg's dressing room when he was the house band on Conan. So they tore the dressing room down, put some glass over the pipes and BOOM! Studio tour stop. It's a really awesome part of NBC history, and if you know me you know I love entertainment history. Not real history though... I can't seem to stay awake during my American History class in the morning. But if it was about the muppet closet or the making of disneyland I would be wide awake. Funny.

Here's some photos:

okay one photo. It's bigger than that, but there's one portion.

Kay I'm done! I want to do another vlog, buttt I don't know what to do it about! Let me know!!! COMMENT! PLZ.

Us August-ers need to stick together and keep each other amused!!!!




Anna said...

I agree, it's making me crazy that so many D-Famers are already there!

jazmine; said...

I seeth with jealousy everytime I see someone tweet/fb status/etc. about being down there.

But I also feel like the more awesome people are arriving in August ;)

Al said...

Yeah I heard about those pipes but never seen the photo! Thanks for sharing.

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