Friday, September 21, 2012

Spring Advantage 2013!

Hey guys! Lauren here!
Sorry I've been MIA for who knows how long, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I've been accepted for the Spring Advantage 2013 College Program!!!!!

I haven't picked my arrival date yet, probably sometime at the end of January because that's when I graduate, but this time I'm going back as a Vacation Planner! I'm super excited!

I'll probably be updating this as much as I can with info before and after. I actually want to try and keep a blog this time!

My ultimate goal is to do this CP, network and get a Professional Internship next Fall in Communications! 

Also, I plan on updating my vlog again! We'll see haha.

Hopefully my potential roommate gets in today, she's a friend from home this time, and I can pay my fees!

I'm sad a lot of my friends from my last program, and my roommates, won't be there. But I'm sure they will come visit!

Thanks guys and have a magical day! :)

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